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The Visions of Peace Initiative and HQ Creative LLC partner in “Holy Prostitution-Pelacuran ‘Suci’” A Joint Effort Against Sexual Trafficking.

The Visions of Peace Initiative and HQ Creative LLC are proud to have worked together and co-produced “Holy Prostitution-Pelacuran ‘Suci’”.

“Holy Prostitution-Pelacuran ‘Suci’” is an important documentary that presents the experiences of a young, Indonesian female minor who was placed into a Mut’ah marriage, otherwise known as a contractual marriage, by her parents. The practice of Mut’ah marriage is regarded by many as an exploitative form of prostitution and is widely banned by both religious and legal authorities. Kyai Kakan Sukandi, a representative of the Ulama Council, explained, ”The public needs to be educated that Mut’ah marriage is a phenomenon that cannot be condoned. It is a phenomenon that must not be allowed to continue, both according to Islamic and Indonesian law.”

“Holy Prostitution-Pelacuran ‘Suci’” portrays a teenage victim’s anguished ordeal, through her own testimony and with accompanying re-enactments. Princess Natasha Dematra and Princess Cheryl Halpern, the co-directors of the documentary, inspired by the courage of this young woman to share her story, are committed to educating audiences, through the screenings, to put a stop to the practice of Mut’ah marriages.

In Indonesia, the documentary has been screened in a number of schools and venues, primarily in West Java, where the Mut’ah marriages most frequently occur. To date, more than 10,000 Indonesian youth, both females and males, have seen the film. As Princess Natasha Dematra has explained, “This Mut’ah marriage phenomenon has damaged our youth both physically and emotionally. I hope that by screening, through what I call our ‘educational road show,’ that we can help stop the Mut’ah marriage phenomenon.”

The most recent screening took place in Bogor at SMK Pesat, a school acknowledged for providing both vocational and academic training to students recognized as emerging talent. After viewing the documentary, Madame Lida Hasanah, Chairwoman of the Pesat Foundation, noted, “We have to applaud this film. We have to be a generation of women that are strong enough to fight this abusive practice.” Teachers who were in the audience echoed Madame Hasanah’s comments and collectively added, “We wish that everyone can watch this film, especially young girls, so that they do not get trapped in a Mut’ah marriage.”

The question and answer sessions that have taken place after each screening are indicative of how impactful the film has been with the student audiences. There have been those who acknowledge awareness of similar Mut’ah stories and have asked what options do they have in order to protect themselves? Others have asked what can be done to make the local government and police more responsive? Many have expressed their dismay that in 2023 teenagers are victimized by the collusion of family with consenting religious leaders.

Earlier this year, the documentary was screened by the New Generation in Action as part of the United Nations Committee on the Status of Women meeting. Princess Cheryl Halpern explained to the international gathering, “This documentary allows us to hear the testimony of one minor victim of a Mut’ah marriage. There are still many from whom we have not as yet heard. We hope that others will learn from this young woman and will not be afraid to speak out. Your voices matter and must not be ignored.”

In addition to the screenings within Indonesia, and at the UN, this documentary has been screened in cities around the world including Mumbai, Paris, Moscow, Stockholm, Milan, Cannes, and New York City, to name but a few. It has consistently received awards as a best educational documentary and as a best women’s documentary.

The Visions of Peace Initiative is excited to expand its endeavors to promote peace and civility through its partnership with Emmy Award-winning HQ Creative LLC. As Princess Cheryl Halpern has noted, “Working together we are committed to encouraging peaceful coexistence and countering abusive behavior. We are proud that we are currently collaborating in an effort to halt sexual trafficking. This is a global abuse that must be stopped.”



Visions of Peace Initiative mengadakan acara tur perdamaian Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia ke-78 bersama 5000 Anak di Surakarta, Cirebon, Bogor dan Jakarta. Acara ini merupakan selebrasi Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan harapan dapat membawa pesan-pesan perdamaian lewat seni dimana anak-anak melakukan berbagai macam kesenian, tarian dan aktivitas budaya untuk perdamaian.

“Suatu kehormatan bisa merayakan kemerdekaan Indonesia bersama warga Indonesia. Semboyan nasional Indonesia, “Bhinekka Tunggal Ika, berbeda-beda tapi satu,” merupakan kekayaan warisan kemerdekaan dan rasa hormat yang telah diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi sejak abad ke-14. Peringatan tahunan kemerdekaan Indonesia ini menegaskan kembali prinsip toleransi yang terkandung dalam moto tersebut, terlepas dari tantangan masyarakat yang ditimbulkan oleh penilaian dan kepentingan yang saling bertentangan. Setiap orang Indonesia dapat berbangga dengan semboyan persatuan dan kebebasan yang tak tergoyahkan selama bertahun-tahun ini.” Ucap International Founder VOPI Princess Cheryl Halpern.

Prince Damien Dematra selaku founder Visions of Peace Initiative mengatakan, “Alasan Independence Tour Perdamaian ini diadakan untuk semakin mengobarkan semangat perdamaian dan kemerdekaan. Kami harap tour ini dapat menginspirasi generasi muda Indonesia.”

Bekerja sama dengan para pemuda usia 5 hingga 18 tahun, Visions of Peace Initiative telah mempromosikan kesopanan dan penghormatan terhadap orang lain dengan menganut etika timbal balik, juga dikenal sebagai aturan emas, sebuah nilai universal yang sangat penting untuk perilaku sosial sipil. Etika timbal balik mengajarkan kita untuk “lakukan kepada orang lain sebagaimana anda ingin dilakukan untuk diri anda sendiri dan sebaliknya, jangan lakukan kepada orang lain apa yang tidak ingin anda lakukan kepada diri anda.” Itu adalah sebuah pesan yang menemukan ekspresi selama ribuan tahun dalam ajaran semua keyakinan. Itu juga sebuah konsep yang menjadi inti motto indonesia, “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” karena tanpa menghormati keragaman baik dalam keluarga atau komunitas, tidak akan ada persatuan.

Khususnya di Surakarta rangkain acara ini diadakan di Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat, Pura Mangkunegaran, dan lomba perdamaian diberbagai sekolah di Solo. Dalam acara puncak yang digelar di Sasono Mulyo Keraton Surakarta ditampilkan berbagai macam kesenian kolosal dengan tema kemerdekaan dan perdamaian dan gelar budaya Nusantara diantaranya tari Golek Puspadayu, tari Bambangan Cakil, dan Tari Dolanan. Berbagai kesenian daerah dan Drumband juga ditampilkan oleh SD Kasatriyan Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat.

Dalam acara ini juga diluncurkan untuk ketiga kalinya buku tema perdamaian berjudul “The Art of Peace” Volume 1 sebagai bagian dari Tour Perdamaian ini. Buku ini merupakan tribut bagi ratusan ribu karya peserta yang ikut dalam program Visions of Peace Initiative dari tahun 2017 dan merupakan aklamasi bagi para peraih penghargaan yang karyanya diwakili. Buku ini merupakan presentasi sepenuh hati dari visi dan harapan seorang anak untuk masa depan yang lebih baik dengan kesopanan, martabat dan hidup berdampingan secara damai.

Menurut Direktur Eksekutif Princess Natasha Dematra dengan ukuran 59,4 x 84,1 cm, buku ini secara resmi telah masuk dalam rekor Buku Terbesar Dengan Tema Perdamaian di Dunia yg diberikan oleh Royal World Records. Buku ini sendiri telah diperkenalkan di Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa di New York, Amerika Serikat. Peluncuran buku ini meliputi 3 kota: New York, Jakarta dan Surakarta.

“Saat kita berkumpul di sini hari ini untuk peluncuran tur perdamaian kemerdekaan, mari kita rayakan kemerdekaan Indonesia dan berikrar untuk mempromosikan “aturan emas” dan tujuan perdamaian di mana pun kita berada dan dengan siapa pun kita terlibat,” tutup Princess Cheryl Halpern yang datang khusus dari Amerika Serikat.

Visions of Peace Initiative Launches The Art of Peace: The Largest Peace Themed Book Ever Published

The Visions of Peace Initiative launched a peace-themed book entitled "The Art of Peace." This book is a tribute to the thousands of participants in the Visions of Peace Initiative programs and is an acclamation for the young award recipients whose work is represented. Every drawing included is a heartfelt presentation of a child’s vision of hope for a better future with civility, dignity and peaceful coexistence. This book was introduced at the United Nations in New York City and was very well received.

Two Indonesian Senators, Senator Dra. Ir. Hj. Eni Sumarni, M.Kes dan Senator H. Fachrul Razi, S.I.P., M.I.P. launched the phenomenal book together with Princess Cheryl Halpern, Prince Dr. Damien Dematra and Princess Natasha Dematra in Jakarta. With a size of 59.4 x 84.1 cm, this book has been recognized as the largest peace themed book and is included in the Royal World Records.

Since its founding in 2017, the Visions of Peace Initiative has been committed to motivating young Indonesians to use their artistic talents to channel their ideas and share their perspectives on tolerance, peace and respect for humanity. Schools, orphanages and religious organizations, of all denominations, have supported Visions of Peace Initiative events throughout the republic of Indonesia including those held in areas recovering from natural disasters as well as in areas of violent conflict. This book is also an acknowledgement of this important cooperative effort.

“It is important to encourage the Indonesian youth, the vanguard of the future, to embrace the Indonesian national motto, “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” and express themselves so that others will learn. Through their artistic presentations of a vision for a peaceful tomorrow they help themselves and their peers to develop a more tolerant state of mind and respect for each other. Every participant in the Visions of Peace Initiative becomes an ambassador for peace as they bring their vision for a peaceful and tolerant future into their homes, schools, and community,” said Princess Cheryl Halpern, the international founder of Visions of Peace Initiative.

Working together with the youth ages 5 to 18, the Visions of Peace Initiative has promoted civility and respect for others by embracing the ethic of reciprocity, also known as the golden rule, a universal value that is essential for civil social behaviour. The ethic of reciprocity teaches us to “do unto others as you would want done for yourself and conversely, don’t do to another what you would not want done to you.” It is a message that finds expression through the millennia in the teachings of all faiths. It is also a concept that is central to Indonesia's motto, "Unity in Diversity" since without respect for diversity whether within a family or a community, there can be no unity.

“I hope that as you peruse this book that you, too, will be inspired by the artwork of these young individuals and will commit yourself to embracing the golden rule and joining the visions of peace initiative in the continuing effort to promote a more peaceful tomorrow," concluded Princess Cheryl Halpern.

The International Peace20 Summit Peace Pledge Challenge to the G20

On November 1st and 2nd the International Peace20 Summit was convened in Ubud, Bali. According to Peace20 chairman KPAA Prince Dr. Damien Dematra, the Summit was created to give direct support to Indonesia’s President who is presiding over this year’s G20. The co-chairing of the Summit by the Visions of Peace Initiative, which received 5 nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2022 has provided an important acknowledgment of peace efforts within Indonesia.

Princess Cheryl Halpern, who co-chaired the Peace20 Summit explained the relationship between the mission of the VOPI and the goals of the Summit. She said, “the VOPI’s mission is to promote civility, tolerance and respect for youth ages 5 to 18 by embracing and teaching the Golden Rule, The Ethic of Reciprocity. This universal value to ‘Do unto others as you would want done to yourself’
is echoed in the Indonesian National Motto,
‘Bhineka Tunggal Ika’ which has promoted unity with respect for diversity through millennia. The Golden Rule together with Indonesia’s National Motto are core pillars for the Peace20’s mission to promote
Peace, Tolerance and Respect for Diversity.”

The convergence of the VOPI and an International Peace Summit began on World Peace Day, September 21, 2022. Since then more than 25,500 people representing 53 countries have participated in face to face as well as online forums and art exhibitions promoting peace. Prince Dr. Damien Dematra proudly noted that as of the end of the Summit that the Peace20 holds the collective signature record for the “World’s Thickest Book with a Message of Peace.”

Indonesia is proud to have had so many of its ministers and cultural leaders support and participate in the Peace20 Summit, including: Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs
Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Mahfud Mahmodin, Minister of Home Affairs General Prof. H. Muhammad Tito Karnavian, Ph.D., Minister of Religious Affairs KH Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Minister of Women’s Empowerment and Children Protection I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati, M.Si, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Dr. H. Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno,
Minister of the Environment and Forestry
Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, M.Sc.,
Minister of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency Prof. K.H. Yudian Wahyudi, Ph.D., King of Klungkung Ida Dalem Asmara Putra, King of Ubud
Tjokorda Gde Putra Sukawati, Chair of the East Java NU Kyai Haji Marzuqi Mustamar, M.Ag., Bishop Riah Abu El Assal, Peace Activist, UN Representative Dr. Abraham Joseph.

Princess Cheryl noted, “Prince Dr. Damien Dematra and I believe that the success of the International Peace20 Summit as evidenced the signing of the Peace Pledge by all participants
Is providing President Joko Widodo
with a strong foundation upon which to challenge the G20 delegations to follow Indonesia’s lead, sign the Peace Pledge and commit to serious and implementable peace initiatives. Civics and civility, for example, need to be introduced into every school curriculum for all children regardless of age.

Prince Dr. Damien Dematra and I are looking forward to continuing to promote the values of the VOPI and the Peace20 Pledge when India assumes the G20 Presidency. Peace requires a steadfast and never ending commitment to its principles , beginning with the Golden Rule.”